Day Eleven: Difficult People


Let’s start with the 30 Day Challenge first, because then I’ll move on to a different kind of challenge.

Three Things I’m Thankful For

  1. Free Will — In most matters, I have the ability to choose which way I go. Ultimately, the way I live and the way I feel is in my hands. There are limitations, of course, but everybody has something. At least I know that no one is going to shoot me or throw me in jail for the kinds of things I want to do.
  2. Electricity — Another weird one, I know, but… just look around at all the things in our lives that simply wouldn’t be possible without electricity.
  3. The Big Bang — Talk about possibility.  We’d be sort of… non-existence without the originating event of the universe!

One Meaningful Thing That Happened to Me in the Past 24 Hours

I’ll talk about this more today, and it took me a while to decide that it was meaningful, and a blessing — I was challenged by my difficult relationship…

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